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News & Stories

A legacy of growth and change 

For over half a century, Help has grown from a single workshop to a network of services for people with disability; spanning from the Gold Coast to the Sunshine Coast and reaching out to Toowoomba. However, the full extent of the work we do often remains unseen, as many recognise us for only a fragment of the services we offer. We decided it was time to bring to light the diverse support we provide.  

“Over 55 years, we’ve seen significant growth and change, but our mission has always been constant: to open as many doors as possible for people with disabilities,” says Denver Fresser, CEO of Help. 

The range of services we offer includes: 

  • employing people with disability in our social enterprise businesses; producing items ranging from mailboxes to coffee 
  • assisting thousands in finding meaningful employment with inclusive employers 
  • offering support and accommodation for independent living of those with cognitive disabilities 
  • providing activities for daily routines and social engagement at our hubs and in the community 
  • enabling businesses to create social good by promoting inclusive employment and using Help’s products or services. 

An ecosystem of opportunity for people with disability 

Our simple way of describing Help is “one door to open many”. This embodies our ecosystem of opportunity. Help is a place where people with disability can find support or discover something new. It’s also a place where business customers can have a ripple effect towards social impact by choosing our products and services.  

More than a brand refresh 

As we navigate an ever-changing industry, our commitment to being a consistent support for our customers remains steadfast. To communicate our identity more clearly, we’ve taken significant steps: 

  • A new logo for a new era 

Our logo transformation isn’t just an aesthetic change—it has been designed to better reflect our identity. We took an inclusive approach to update our look. Our employees with disability were an integral part of the brand workshops to define the Help ‘personality’ and understand what shapes, colours, words and images connect with and appeal to them.  

“We’re proud of the inclusive process we undertook to update our look. Including our supported employees in workshops allowed us to draw on their unique insights,” Fresser said. 

  • Opening doors and simplifying access 

To help more people with disability, we need to clearly tell our story and be easy to find. 

We’ve brought together all our services and products in one easy-to-use website that shows Help really can be One door to open many.  

Our customer service team helps ensure a seamless entry and ongoing journey for our clients. With expertise in all our products and services, they connect customers to the best options, and eliminate the need to retell their story each time they explore new services.  

Getting our new look out there 

We’re sharing our new logo and updated story through our digital communications – social media, video and newsletters. We have also launched a new website which unifies our “one door to open many” and adopts user-friendly navigation, making it easier for people to find the information they need.   

We are introducing the brand gradually to our offices, cars, uniforms and other touchpoints. 

A sustainable evolution 

We’re evolving sustainably, mindful of our resources, yet eager to share our new look and story with our community. 

“The unveiling of our new logo and story is just the beginning. We’re progressing at a pace we can maintain, making sure every person we support knows they’re in the right place,” Fresser states. 

Join us on our journey 

If you or someone you care for has a disability, or your business wants to make a social impact – come along for the journey. Together, we continue to strive for a world where every door opened leads to opportunity, connection and inclusion. 

You’re always welcome at Help. 

We’re here to help!

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8:00am – 5:00pm

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