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Support Coordination

Explore options and bring your NDIS plan to life.

About Support Coordination

Put the puzzle pieces of your NDIS plan together.

We’ll help you explore your options and find your providers so you can make the most of your services and supports.

You set the direction. We’ll handle the compass.

There’s nothing more important than living life the way you want. For NDIS participants, that means having the freedom to choose your service providers, your supports, and how it all comes together.

Under the NDIS, you can choose to personally manage your supports, which some people do. But finding your way through the NDIS system isn’t always a walk in the park.

Support Coordination Enquiry


We’ll help you:


  • Prepare and understand your action plan
  • Maximise your support budget and funds
  • Explore options and access quality services, like healthcare providers and training and employment organisations
  • Find creative solutions to suit your support needs
  • Coordinate your support arrangements and solve any problems along the way
  • Gain the confidence and skills you need to take part in managing your plan
  • Ensure you are prepared for your NDIS plan review when the time comes

As you reach your goals, we’ll help you adjust your plan to include the support you need to achieve more!

Support Coordination Enquiry

Got some questions?

Am I eligible for support coordination?

If you are eligible for Support Coordination, there will be funds allocated in your Capacity Building Support budget.

What are the benefits of having a support coordinator?

Support coordinators take away the stress of preparing and managing your NDIS plan, so you can focus on your goals.

They help you:

  • build independence, make more informed decisions, and exercise choice and control
  • negotiate and manage service agreements with different providers (both short and long-term)
  • get the most out of your funding
  • link you with community, mainstream, and other government services
  • prepare for your NDIS plan reviews

Are there different levels of support coordination?

Yes, there are 3 different levels of support coordination available through the NDIS.

  • Level 1: Support Connection
  • Level 2: Coordination of Supports
  • Level 3: Specialist Support Coordination

What does (level 1) support connection mean?

Level 1 Support Connection means we help you implement your NDIS plan. The aim of Support Connection is to strengthen your ability to connect with local support providers, understand and get the most out of your NDIS plan, navigate any service delivery issues, and liaise with the NDIA.

How does (level 2) coordination of supports work?

Level 2 Support Coordination provides support with implementing complex plans that involve multiple supports and services. Support Coordination helps you develop supports in all aspects of your life to build and maintain a network of NDIS, mainstream, and Community supports.

The Support Coordinator will also help you understand your NDIS plan, implement services and supports, work with you to build your independence, and ensure effective communication between all stakeholders.

What does (level 3) specialist coordination include?

Level 3 Specialist Support Coordination is a service designed for those navigating complex, challenging, or high-risk situations and support requirements. These coordinators are qualified specialists with a deep understanding of their role and the disability space, and they will assist with navigating points of Crisis.

How often can I receive funding for support coordination?

You’ll normally only receive funding for Support Coordination with your first NDIS plan, or when you need some extra support, for example, if you move into supported accommodation or are experiencing long-term health challenges.

How much funding will I get for support coordination?

The amount of funding you receive is based on what the NDIS has deemed is “reasonable and necessary” to pursue your goals.

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