Call us 1800 877 545

Make A Difference

Partnering for a Brighter Future

At Help Enterprises, our vision is clear: an inclusive world, where people with disability lead fulfilling, independent lives.

The path to achieving this vision is not without its challenges. We have faced the impact of natural disasters, weathered the ongoing ripple effect of a global pandemic, and grappled with the increasing cost of living crisis.

Amidst these hurdles, our resolve has only grown stronger. We’re led by the people we serve — it’s all about them, their experiences, and their goals.

We recognise that to bridge the gap in NDIS funding and continue to provide quality, ethical support, we need philanthropic and corporate funding to enable our customers to become the masters of their own journey.

As a social enterprise with a long-standing history, we’re in a position to make a difference to the lives of many. It’s a big responsibility, we’re honoured to be trusted with it.

Call Our Fundraising Team

Join us at Help’s 9th Annual Charity Lunch!

Brisbane’s premier corporate networking and fundraising event has been booked for 2024! On 23 August 2024, we’re gathering at Brisbane City Hall for a great day of fine food, wine and conversation. Each year this event raises crucial funds to further Help’s mission of helping people with disability to lead fulfilling and independent lives.

Click here for more information.



Corporate Partnerships


Partner with Help Enterprises: Empower Your Business and Your Employees

For over 50 years, Help Enterprises has built an outstanding reputation as a provider of ethical, values-driven, and high-quality services in the disability sector.

With a network of more than 40 offices across Queensland, our presence extends into the heart of the communities we serve. We’re now actively seeking partnerships with organisations that share our values and vision, to collectively strengthen the impact of our services.

Contact us to explore how we can customise the ideal corporate partnership for your organisation. From site visits and staff volunteering to disability sector speakers, workplace assessments on disability employment readiness, and action planning, together, we can tailor a partnership that makes a real difference.


Our values at Help

In a world with a focused lens on the ethics of business, partnerships grounded in shared values are not just strategic; they’re essential for building and maintaining a positive corporate reputation. This underscores our commitment to collaborating with organisations that share our vision and the values guiding us toward achieving it.

Make a donation


Your support isn’t just a contribution; it’s an investment in a brighter future, a future we can shape together.

Leave a legacy gift


Leave the greatest gift behind and create your own legacy of a more diverse and inclusive society for people with disability.

Monthly regular donation


Help us create opportunities, change lives, and empower individuals to thrive on an ongoing basis.

Gift through workplace giving


Your gift can be a catalyst for change. Make the work you do more meaningful through workplace giving.

Other ways you can support Help

Unlock the potential of corporate support: a partnership that transforms

Corporate support is not just a win for businesses; it’s a catalyst for change within the disability sector and the lives we touch at Help Enterprises. When businesses unite with our mission and vision, the mutual benefits can be profound.

  • Magnifying Our Message: Corporate partnerships help to amplify our message of inclusivity and empowerment. They cast a brighter light on the challenges faced by individuals with disabilities, igniting awareness and mobilising greater support.
  • Extending Our Reach: With the steadfast support of our corporate partners, we can reach even deeper into communities, ensuring that our services and opportunities are accessible to those who need them most.
  • Elevating Our Services: Corporate support empowers us to elevate the quality and depth of our services, guaranteeing that individuals with disabilities receive unparalleled care, support, and opportunities.
  • Fuelling Future Growth and Stability: Collaborating with corporations is the cornerstone of our long-term growth and financial stability at Help Enterprises, enabling us to continue our transformative work for decades to come.
  • Corporate support shapes a holistic and sustainable approach to our mission. It empowers us to impact more lives, offer superior services, and secure a brighter future for people with disabilities. We bridge gaps, open doors to opportunity, and empower lives.

By partnering with Help Enterprises, your business aligns with a socially responsible and community-driven organisation and empowers your employees to create a meaningful impact.

Join us in the journey to create a brighter future for individuals with disabilities while strengthening your business and workforce.

For employees or personal donations

  • A Sense of Purpose: Working for a socially conscious company gives employees a sense of purpose and commitment to their work. They become agents for change.
  • Skills Enhancement: Participation in workplace charity events and campaigns can enhance teamwork, collaboration, creativity, and problem-solving abilities among your staff.
  • Personal and Professional Development: Volunteering opportunities through Help Enterprises encourage personal and professional growth for your employees.
  • Positive Workplace: Uniting around a common cause can bring about a positivite culture and heightened productivity in the workplace.
  • Immediate Tax Benefits: Employees can immediately benefit from tax savings through Workplace
  • Giving Programs, eliminating the hassle of collecting receipts or making deductions at tax time.
  • Contribute to a Brighter Future: Employees directly contribute to building a brighter future for individuals with intellectual disabilities and learn about the challenges they face.

Business donations

  • Inspired Workforce: Nurturing a culture of giving can inspire, unify, and empower your employees. Engaged staff are more inclined to remain dedicated to your organisation, becoming agents for positive change.
  • Social Responsibility: Partnering with Help Enterprises showcases your company as a socially responsible employer, attracting individuals seeking to work for an organisation that values its social impact and contributes to positive change for people with disabilities.
  • Enhanced Customer Relationships: Demonstrating a commitment to social responsibility strengthens customer loyalty and fosters a greater understanding of your business. Aligning community partnerships with your values weaves a compelling narrative around your brand.
  • Building Connections: By engaging in philanthropy, your company fosters strong connections with existing customers and draws new ones who share your mission and values.
  • Tax Advantages: Collaborating with Help Enterprises offers the opportunity for tax-deductible donations, benefiting your bottom line while fostering a positive influence.
  • Creating a Better Future: Your partnership directly contributes to shaping a brighter future for individuals with intellectual disabilities and brings greater understanding to your business and employees.

We’re here to help!

Our Stories

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With over 40 locations across Southeast Queensland, we’re nearby for when you need us.

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We are open Monday – Friday
8:00am – 5:00pm

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