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“Brad’s confidence has grown quite a lot during the last 12 months. He always shows an interest in what we are working on, whether it’s resume building, goal setting, or watering plants. And, he always puts in his best effort,” – Lachie, School Leaver Employment Supports Coach.

Since joining HELP’s School Leaver Employment Supports (SLES) 21-year-old Brad has made exciting progress towards his goals. With the help of his Coach Lachie, Brad has secured work experience in his chosen field and decided to pursue further study to realise his dream of a career in horticulture.

From little things big things grow

“When I first started working with Brad we focused a lot on pre-employment skills. We dedicated our sessions to learning about, and practicing, resume and cover letter writing, job interview and workplace etiquette, problem-solving, and time management”, said Coach Lachie.

With Lachie’s support, Brad has also learned how to navigate job finder websites like SEEK, as well as social media, to apply for suitable job opportunities.

Brad says working with Lachie has helped him, “develop his communication skills, learn how to look for work, create a resume, and prepare for job interviews.”

Using these skills, and his knack for brightening peoples’ day, (Lachie says “Brad has the ability to put a smile on anyone’s face!”), Brad recently landed an interview with a local nursery. He’s since been undergoing work experience, doing jobs like weeding, watering plants, re-potting plants, pruning/de-flowering, fertilising, assisting with large orders, and pricing.

Pictured: Brad working at his local nursery with HELP Coach Lachie + Brad posing with his P plates next to his new wheels.

Taking the next step

In addition to securing work experience Brad has also decided to pursue further study in his chosen field. Having gained a wealth of knowledge and practical experience during his time at the nursery so far, study was the next logical step for Brad.

“The best part about supporting Bradley on his employment journey, has been watching his confidence and passion for plants and nature grow,” said Lachie.

Lachie and Brad have explored a number of different courses online, taking the time to look into course content and subsidies available (and even organised a site visit at TAFE’s Mt Gravatt campus,) to see what path may be best suited for Brad.

To improve his chances of getting a permanent job Brad has also taken the big step of getting his driver’s licence. During Brad’s SLES sessions Lachie encouraged him to complete practice tests online, and drive himself to and from work. Brad was extra motivated to go for his test when Lachie explained the extra employment opportunities that open up when you have your licence.

Looking forward

In the future, Brad hopes to continue to develop his knowledge of all things green, and has been accepted to do a Certificate II in Horticulture at TAFE in 2023.

His goal is to work in a nursery full time, and one day, open his own plant nursery.

“It will be amazing to see Brad’s dreams come true in the future”, said Lachie.

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