Call us 1800 877 545

From little things…

For more than 50 years, we’ve created an integrated network of services to provide people with disability the essentials, routine and stretch they seek in life.


Help’s evolution

With the growth and change that has occurred at Help, it became clear that our look and feel needed to evolve too. It was time for more growth, for a step forward. ‘Evolving’ for us means a purposeful development, a gradual but significant transformation to do more for our community.


Inclusive process

We’re proud of the inclusive process we took to refresh our brand. We involved our employees with disability in workshops to define Help’s personality. Their unique feedback enabled us to understand what shapes, colours, words and images connect with and appeal to them.

Read more about the process here.


Our simple way of describing Help

This embodies our ecosystem of opportunity for people with a disability. Help is a place where they can find support or discover something new. It’s a place where business customers can have a ripple effect by choosing our products and services.


Impact and reach

Help impact lives by directly employing over 300 people with disabilities and helping others find meaningful work with inclusive employers. We enable independent living for those with cognitive disabilities and provide social connections and daily routines through our hubs. We also help businesses become inclusive employers and have a ripple effect of social good.


You’re always welcome

Your journey with us is streamlined with one point of contact, ensuring you’re always welcome and your story is heard and honoured each step of the way.


Values that drive us

Help is guided by humility and our values. We’re committed to showcasing what we do with the hope of reaching and inspiring more people to join us in creating an inclusive world. Despite the challenges of fluctuating funding, we’re dedicated to delivering exceptional work that goes above and beyond.


Join our community

If making a social impact resonates with your business, or if you or someone you care for has a disability, join us on this journey.

You’re always welcome at Help.
