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“I truly believe that everyone has the right, and the ability to work towards the life that they dream of!”

When Kayleigh joined HELP she discovered a new passion for helping people with disability, and hasn’t looked back since!

Tell us a little bit about yourself…

Hi, my name is Kayleigh, I’m 23 and I’m an IES Coach at HELP. I grew up right here in Brisbane and have a real sense of pride and involvement in my community. I graduated with a Bachelor of Justice three years ago and have always been passionate about social justice and helping others since a young age. I have worked at HELP for about a year and a half now, and have just returned to uni this year to complete my Master of Social Work.

What led you to join the HELP team?

After uni I lost direction for a while and worked in an admin position for a property maintenance company. I didn’t really get a great sense of purpose or enjoyment from that role and wanted to find something more in line with my core values. I applied at HELP where I was lucky enough to join the Inclusive Employment Supports (IES) team and help people with disability build new skills to achieve their employment goals. I had never worked with people with disability before this but I was excited to give it a go, and haven’t looked back since!

What are you most passionate about? What inspires you?

Everyone I meet is a source of inspiration. I think the saying “Nobody makes it out of this life alive”, (aka we only have one life to give it our best shot) really sums up how I approach life in general. I truly believe that everyone has the right, and the ability to work towards the life that they dream of. I bring that passion into everything I do, including my work and studies.

On the weekend you’ll find me…

Annoying my friends and family, painting cheap pots for my ever-growing plant collection, and learning how to do sick tricks on my roller-skates.

What’s the best part of the job?

All the new experiences I have gained continue to expand and open my mind to new ways of thinking. If you feel stuck or that the world is against you, I have discovered that there is always another way to tackle the issue, another pathway, or a completely different way of framing the issue to get to where you want to be.

What’s your favourite HELP memory?

My favourite HELP memory was my first participant’s Christmas party. All of my participants came along, even one participant who is known for hating Christmas parties. He spent the whole party asking what everyone’s birthdays were and eating lots of sausages on bread. It was so rewarding to see him so comfortable in a crowded space, getting along with everyone, communicating, and trusting my support in what would normally be a stressful situation.

What are your plans for the future? What are you most looking forward to?

I plan to continue with my studies and working with my participants to achieve their employment goals. I don’t know what the future holds but I feel like I’m on the right path, and have the best support network here at HELP.

3 fun facts about me

I’m borderline obsessed with Criminal Minds, I have two dogs and a tattoo of a frog on my left arm.

If you could invite any three people to dinner living or dead who would they be?

Rihanna, Robert Downey Jr, and Grace Tame.

What’s your secret talent?

My secret talent is that I can lick my elbow. Betcha you can’t!

Favourite place in the world?

The beach! I love the sand and the sun and have recently been learning how to surf. Noosa is my favourite spot.

Favourite Quote?

“I didn’t come this far, to only come this far”. It reminds me to always reflect and show gratitude for everything I have achieved so far, and that the story is not over yet.

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